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Claire Eccleston

Claire Eccleston lives in New Zealand and is a mother of three beautiful children, a grandmother and an experienced registered midwife, a Spinning Babies® approved trainer and a biodynamic craniosacral therapist.


She has been supporting women’s transitions since 2000. Attending births, offering childbirth education, pregnancy yoga and providing bodywork sessions. 


Claire is a dynamic facilitator offering national, international and online workshops and speaking at conferences and events around the globe.


She is passionate about the ancient and sacred arts of birth work, bodywork and where they meet, and has a deep reverence for our bodies, the rhythms of our physical nature and our earthy intelligence. She honours this womb work with deep reverence, respect and gentleness.


Claire loves Spinning Babies® and has used it in her work for many years. She can see the impact that Spinning Babies® has at changing birth on Earth.



Claire Eccleston's Teaching


The students in DOULASKOLEN get a Spinning Babies® Workshop with Claire Eccleston 22.-23. October 2022 as part of their education. Claire Eccleston will also give an extra Spinning Babies® Workshop 20.-21.October 2022 for everybody else who are interestedRead more about the workshop here,.

The Facebook event can be found here.

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